My First StyleCollective Meet-up!
I remember the first time I visited the StyleCollective website when I initially started blogging 3 almost 4 years ago, and I wanted to join so badly. I loved the ...
All things Ariel
I remember the first time I visited the StyleCollective website when I initially started blogging 3 almost 4 years ago, and I wanted to join so badly. I loved the ...
HELLO! So it has been a while since I've done one of these babies, but I really want to start doing them more frequently because I think they are hilarious ...
There are a ton of articles and journals on the internet about how multi-tasking is a myth, or how it should really be called "A," "B," or "C." No matter ...
Hi, hey, hi, hey, hi ;) It has been a long while since I have written a blog post. Life has gotten pretty crazy and been moving pretty quickly so I ...
It's so funny to me that to this day when people hear you're going to Woodstock, NY they automatically assume you're going to some insane, crazy, concert like the one ...
HAPPY BLACK HISTORY MONTH!! I wanted to take a real quick second to just drop these pictures I took from the incredible Black Fashion Designers exhibit put on by the lovely ...