DIY Styrofoam Yarn Letter Decor

Hello! Welcome! This is my first DIY post of hopefully many more to come because I love crafting and making things myself to save some mulah because, uh, who doesn’t?! So for this particular craft, I kind of adapted the idea from a few other yarn/styrofoam crafts that are floating around the pinterest space. Ever since I was a little kid, I had this weird obsession with styrofoam and would make my parents buy me balls and blocks of it so I could do random things with it. The obsession has since died down, but I do enjoy styrofoam crafts because there are a lot of cool things you can do without needing to buy too many additional materials. For example, for this DIY styrofoam yarn letter decor you need a total of three things. ONLY THREE! Yarn of your choice, X-Acto Knife, and styrofoam (I also used a sharpie so maybe it’s four things)! If you already have the X-Acto knife, then the supplies are also pretty cheap. I bought my yarn from Michael’s because they’re always having amazing sales with a lot of coupons, so if you need to pick up some yarn and/or an X-Acto knife I would highly suggest going there.
So I decided I want to make letters spelling “hi” using a simple serif font that I had found on the interwebz. I left the clear plastic packaging on the styrofoam and traced over that, because for me that is way easier than taking the time to write on the styrofoam. If you follow me on insta, you can see a quick vid of me doing this but I’ll throw a lil hyperlink in for ya here.
Cutting styrofoam is very hard and actually kind of dangerous, so if you are itty-bitty, I would ask mom, dad, or an older helper to do it. My only pointers I have are use the edges to your advantage to help you save some time and cutting and GO SLOW!! I am very impatient and, as you can see, ended up breaking part of my letter. Luckily for this particular craft, that is completely okay!!! I was able to wrap it up with yarn and it was held in place and as good as new! I didn’t do this, but if you wanted to make it easier for yourself pre-wrap, you can take a tooth pick and use it to stick broken parts back together. You could also probably use tape, but I’m not sure how well that would stick to the styrofoam and could cause some minor additional chunkiness under yarn. I’m using a toothpick to attach my dot at the end.
After that it’s basically a wrap (poor pun intended)! I just grabbed an Arizona, plopped in front of the TV, and took my yarn and just wrapped it around the letter until all the white from the styrofoam was covered up. There’s really no rhyme or reason to the way you wrap (say that five times fast!!) so just have fun with it! I think it’s really cute that the yarn is going in all different directions, it adds some nice character. And that’s really it y’all! I stopped in the middle to go to an appointment, but i would say this craft probably took me about 2.5-3 hours total? That’s a rough estimate and is on the longer side of time estimates. Of course, depending on how many letters you make the time will vary. If you don’t want to cut your own letters, I know there are craft stores that have pre-made styrofoam letters so that’s a great option that cuts out a huge chunk (omg I am really killing it today with the puns and word play) of time. Now that I think about it, I was obsessed with yarn too as a kid. This is a great kid craft that keeps their hands busy and gives them something cute to put in their rooms!
I’m going to start doing more crafts for a series called “Pinterest Wins & Fails” where I attempt to tackle the adorable things we find on pinterest and let you know really how easy or time-consuming it was with pictures of my results. Check out my crafty-crafts board on pinterest, and let me know which craft I should use to start out the series! Also hit that follow button if you haven’t already!
Leave comments with your styrofoam yarn letters I would love to see them!!

03/28/2016I am so proud of you!!!
03/28/2016Aww thanks mom!!