Hey guys!
You may or may not have noticed that I missed my Sunday post yesterday..oops. BUT, it works out because I’m bringing y’all my fashion week coverage so I thought it’d be okay if it was fashionably late. Lame puns aside, I’ve been debating about how I want to bring all of this content to you and I really want to give each day of my fashion week experience its own shine, which is why I will be bringing you content every work day this week and calling it Four Days of Fashion Week. You’re probably like, uh Ariel, there are generally 5 days in a conventional work week. Well, yeah you’re right, but I’d like to take the opportunity to share what’s going on in my life for the final post of the week. With all that’s going on, I wanted to take this fashion week a bit easy. It also really snuck up on me TBH, which showed because I was really not prepared and started getting sick at the end which caused me to miss my final two shows. LAME!
So something I didn’t realize until I was in the midst of my fashion week activities was that I had committed to see shows that were all by minority designers. How dope is that?! And all of their work was absolutely brilliant, I can’t wait to share it with y’all. First on the bill is Gregorio Sanchez. He’s a Mexican designer who prides himself on contemporary luxurious and bold looks. He had bold accents on most of his pieces that reminded me of floral patterns I’ve seen on blankets and clothing items on various trips to Mexico, which I absolutely loved. Something I personally love incorporating into my style are pieces that really flirt with the lines of femininity and masculinity and there were a few pieces in his collection that I was ready to snatch off of the models for this very reason! Also just a quick aside, this show was part of a group of shows in an event called ‘Style Fashion Week.’ They were hosted at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum which is one of the coolest places ever! I had never been before but it had all of these cool ships and planes. I definitely recommend just going to visit sometime if you’re in NYC! Here are some of my favorite shots from the show and of the museum, because like I said, I thought this was a really cool place for a fashion show.
So I was also supposed to see Jeanette Limas on my first day of Fashion Week, but they were a little late on getting started. I’m not sure what time the show began (I left when they were running half an hour late) but I had an important meeting in the morning and a long commute ahead of me, so I had to do the responsible thing and head out. From all the pictures online, the show looked absolutely gorgeous and stunning and I am so sad to have missed it. This was also in an interesting venue! It was in an abandoned school house that had been converted to art studios and living spaces. I thought that was the coolest thing ever!
Which look is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below, and I’ll see you tomorrow for day two 🙂