Annnd we’re back with Day 2!
I didn’t have any shows on my second day, but I did have the StyleCollective Party! So unfortunately, there were a lot of mishaps with the party this year. This was the first time that they hosted a night time gathering instead of a brunch so there were a lot of kinks to be worked out. I must say that although several things went wrong (they ran out of wine, cocktail popsicles, and swag bags, to name a few things) I do feel like I got my money’s worth and had a great time with some of my blogger friends. To start the night off, I got an incredible gel manicure with foil FOR FREE in the VIP area! Honestly, this was enough to make up the cost of my ticket alone! I love the shape of my nails and my manicurist did an incredible job and was so patient with me despite my indecision (#libraprobs). Since I was coming from that important meeting I told you guys about in last night’s post, I was fresh faced and excited to get my make-up done for free as well! StyleCollective hired this really cool company called BeGlammed, who sends top rated hairstylists and makeup artists to your home. I thought this was a super cool concept and all of the stylists were incredibly nice. I just decided that I’m going to include a gift card for their services in my giveaway. If you haven’t entered yet, uh..what are you waiting for? You better go ahead and do that here. The rest of the night was filled with a lot of rosé sipping, taco eating, chatting, and picture taking. Honestly, the time was flying by so quickly it got late before I knew it!
I’ve so enjoyed being a part of a community of beautiful and inspiring women and turning online friends into real friends <3 if you’re interested in joining StyleCollective, let me know in the comments below and I’ll hook it up!