I am the absolute worst.
I haven’t written a blog post in over a month you guys. That is horrible!! So much has happened and I have so many things I would like to share with you. I’m writing this post to say I promise the content is coming! I am in arguably one of the toughest (or easiest depending on how you look at it…I’m trying to figure that part out) transitional moments of my life..graduating and potentially being done with school forever and figuring out what my next moves are. Knowing me I’m probably making it way harder and more stressful than it should be (because if y’all didn’t know, I am the queen of frazzling) but to me the vast amount of opportunities and directions of the future although exciting are quite daunting at the moment. Blah blah blah blah I’m done giving my excuses now, I pledge to be better! I’m sad because I recently updated my phone software and lost a decent amount of my notes which is where I keep all of my lists (in addition to my title as queen of frazzling I also hold the title queen of lists) and I lost all of my content I planned to share with you guys 🙁 a lot of the really important things I was able to store in my trusty noggin so those should be coming your way soon. Also coming your way soon, I’m trying to gear up all of my creative projects and energy because I’m feeling especially inspired lately (probs all the pre-adulthood angst) so be looking out for new music things too! So in this post that I wrote to apologize for making you wait, I am asking you to wait some more. Have I mentioned yet that I am the absolute worst? Please take these pictures of Pontes sleeping as forgiveness offerings, and TALK TO YOU VERY SOON I PROMISE.

04/30/2015I would read your blog every single day even if it was only pictures of Pontes sleeping…