PINTEREST WIN OR FAIL: Gluten-Free Mug Coffee Cake

I’ve been wanting to do this segment on my blog for a while now, so I’m super excited to bring you the first post!!! I am notoriously known for having a great vision and then (sometimes) having not so perfect execution of said vision. WHICH GAVE ME A GREAT IDEA!! How many times do you pin something amazing on pinterest and you get sOoOo excited about your potential creation and it comes out all janky?? Or magical and even better than you thought?! Well I created Pinterest Win or Fail to capture those whirlwinds of emotion. I’m going to document my efforts to create some of my pins, whether it be food..crafts..whatever..and let you see what happens! I’m hoping it will maybe give you some insight into what it’s like to do a project ahead of time to maybe save you some money and/or disappointment. If anything, you can just laugh at me..or marvel!! But probably mostly laugh. So for the first PWoF…I bring you….A Gluten-Free Mug Coffee Cake from Gluten Free Palate
I remember when mug cakes first became a thing and I was in awe and immediately became obsessed. A delicious cake in less than 2 minutes?! I’ll have five please!! I also think they’re super fun to make with kids, and the kids I nanny seemed to agree! Something I really loved about this cake is the short ingredient list containing mostly things that you have lying around your house! I decided to make this on a whim and didn’t have to make a trip to the store. Overall, I’d say this is pretty easy and straight-forward to make..but of course somehow mine didn’t end up exactly like theirs? I did have to do the substitution for the creamer and also accidentally put in the whole egg instead of the yolk (oops) so maybe those things contributed to the differences in texture/appearance. When it came out of the microwave, it kind of looked like something my cat Pontes threw up; but it smelled amazing so this didn’t really deter me TOO too much. I also think it tasted pretty good! The girl I nanny said it tasted a little “Eggy” and I agreed, and attributed this to my use of the entire egg.
I couldn’t finish the whole thing and probably rate it at like a 7? Since this recipe is extremely straightforward and I STILL managed to mess up, I’m gonna go ahead and call this a fail. Let me know what you think in the comments box below, and if you have made this recipe PLEASE share your experience with me!

10/26/2016This is great! I’ve never tried making a cake in a cup, but those Pinterest boards will definitely suck you in and make you want to try everything, for sure! Better luck next time!
xo Karen