It’s so funny to see how quickly things trend and spread over social media. There’s so much potential to use that for good, but I feel like so often it’s the bad stuff that spreads like wildfire?? This year you may have noticed a variety of the same type of gift giving post that asked you to buy a gift for someone you didn’t know, and then ask others to get a gift for the person who told you about the gift tree, and it would progress on and on into what seems like an infinite chain of holiday cheer! I was super excited to get going but my super smart, loving boyfriend had me pump my brakes and pointed out my naivety (in the sweetest, nicest way). He showed me how this was actually a pyramid scheme that would end up cheating people out of gifts and that was the exact opposite of the infinite chain of holiday cheer I had visualized!
With this in mind, I started my own random gift giving project entitled #PROJECTANGEL. Angel stands for Ariel’s New Gift Exchange. Lemons. (Not to be confused with every villain is lemons) and was a good, honest, 1 for 1 gift exchange with someone you didn’t know that allowed you to receive a surprise package in the mail around Christmas time! All of the positives from the online challenge without the scheme-y part! In retrospect, I should’ve been more strict with the deadline for the gifts so I could make sure everyone received their gift on time (and also to make sure I had time to receive the pictures to get this post up in a reasonable time ?). Overall though, I was extremely excited about how the exchange went and was shocked at how perfect some of the gifts were! A friend who is obsessed with coffee got a mug proclaiming this fact, a friend who is moving got a beautiful vase for her new apartment.. and so on and so forth!
I’m really excited to hopefully turn this into a tradition and do my part to contribute to holiday cheer! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and I can’t believe that the time has come and gone! I’m posting a video tomorrow that is more about the new year and things, so make sure you subscribe to Up in the Air TV on YouTube so you don’t miss out!
Stay Inspired,