Mornin’ Y’all!
I’m really not sure why I struggle so much with posting on a more regular basis. I follow so many bloggers and it is quite often that they just check in with a quick post and some cute pics and I LOVE it, so why can’t I do the same??
This is an incredibly busy time for me as I am finally ONE WEEK away from PA school applications and am finishing up some classes before starting new ones for the summer. I also have really been making it a point to make sure I am being fulfilled creatively, and that has made a world of difference in my happiness and execution of my day-to-day activities. I started a new series on the YouTube channel called “A Day in the Life” and I’m hoping to show y’all some more of the cool things I’m doing, since I often neglect to write about them. The first episode is up, and the second should be coming sometime in the near future!! I still also want to continue doing my other types of videos, and actually just posted one about 5 quick and easy hairstyles you can do while rocking a protective style. Enjoy, and pass along!!
I recently had the opportunity to meet a fellow Vassar Alum and famous actress named Tanya Wright (appeared in Orange is the New Black, True Blood, The Cosby Show…) and buy some of the hair care products from her new line Hairiette!! As soon as I take out this protective style I’m trying everything out and I’m super excited to share those results with you on the blog and YouTube channel!! She was the sweetest and most beautiful ever, and I love meeting other Vassar Alum because we all have this indescribable quality that is so inspiring and has come to feel very comforting outside of Vass.
I also was in the studio this past week recording for a fellow artist friend of mine, Sik Nik, who plans on debuting his album (hopefully) in May, so stay tuned for updates about that! It was the first time in a while that I’ve been in the studio and it was so incredibly refreshing and eye-opening. It’s so so important to find that thing that helps you cope with your day-to-day but also with other residual feelings and emotions of the past. For me music and writing and creating are that outlet, and I’m so grateful I had that reminder last week. Speaking of music and writing and creating..
I HAVE A SHOW TOMORROW NIGHT!! At Bushwick Public House! I had a lot of love and support pour in after the absolutely incredible article that the Village Voice did on me (thanks so much guys!!) If you missed that you can find it here. I’m actually obsessed with it, and will probably hang it on my wall.
Work is really hard and stressful, but for the past couple of days I’ve run into two different young black girls on my way out of the office that made me so excited and happy to be on the path that I am on. It’s always nice to have those reminders to keep you going when things are rough. Speaking of work (except this isn’t completely really related at all..) I got a colonoscopy and endoscopy at my job (gross)! I have had chronic stomach issues for basically my entire life which is miserable, but something I have accepted as normal unfortunately. It revealed that I have acid reflux (nothing new) but everything else was negative, which is a huge blessing but leaves me with a lot of questions without answers. A long time ago, a GI suspected I had IBS, so I’m making some very large diet changes in line with that diagnosis to see if it helps me feel better. Fingers crossed, and stay tuned for updates on how that’s going!
Otherwise I think that’s it for now guys! Talk to you soon 🙂