You’re WHO and you’re doing WHAT?
Hi, hey, hi, hey, hi 😉
It has been a long while since I have written a blog post. Life has gotten pretty crazy and been moving pretty quickly so I have found myself neglecting this outlet. HOWEVER. ICYMI: I posted a video on my YouTube channel (that I made to accompany this blog right here) giving you a quick run down of where I’m at. If you haven’t watched it yet, go do that real quick, it’s less than 3 minutes and I’ll be waiting for you here when you get back. boop.
So there you have it. I’m in this. I’m committed. From here on out, this will be sort of like my online-virtual-very public diary tracking my life from this point forward. This is what I wanted this blog to be in the first place but I’ve gotten a little distracted over the years. Wow, I can’t believe I’ve had this blog for multiple years.
I’m hoping I have some real OG’s (real OG’s comment below!!) who were here when this was BlackSheepBeauty and also hopefully have some newbz who are here to observe a life that is up in the air, but either way, I wanted us all to be on the same page. This post is just a starting point to tell you exactly where I’m at in this moment and sort of what’s going on. It’s like a little blip that let’s you see what is currently up in the air. I’m hoping to do an update post like this fairly frequently? I’m thinking monthly? We will see.
SO. To set the scene of what is currently Up in the Air…
What am I doing for work?
I work for NYU in their orthopaedic surgery department as a medical transcriptionist. This was a kiiiiller job to get in preparation for PA school and I have made a lot of wonderful connections with doctors and learned so so much. To be honest though, this job has caused me a lot of anxiety from the start. I had a little bit of a rocky start with my assignments in the beginning, my schedule is still very variable and changes frequently, and, probably most importantly, anyone who works in healthcare knows that it’s just pretty darn stressful in general! It was also rough to have docs ask how PA application process was going and having them follow along with you on a journey filled with rejection. ANYWAYS. The hours for this job are for the most part 8-4 or 8-5 M-F with some time for me to go to my half hour PT sessions for my faulty shoulder. (This is great because I know so many of the therapists!)
What am I doing on the side?
- Volunteering at an SMBI lab for Columbia. This is a killer opportunity because I have zero lab experience and this lab specifically is the one I would like to be a part of for my Clinical Psych PhD. It’s remote and on my own time but with an expected input of time of around 10 hours a week.
- Voice Over training! Oh my goodness y’all I just started and I am so obsessed. I did an evaluation in March and fell in love then but was waiting to have enough money to pursue my training. So that time never really came, so I just went for it!! I am having so much fun and am determined to be a cartoon character some day. But the whole money thing…yeah. that brings me to the next item.
- Babysitting. I have to babysit in order to afford my training. I’m on a monthly payment plan for my lessons which really adds up to about 4-5 babysitting sessions per month. It depends on the length of sessions but that’s like one night of babysitting a week. It’s not too too bad though and when you have little kids, there is time to be productive after they go to sleep.
- Trying to be creative!! Managing this blog and the YouTube channel AND also trying to get some music stuff in. Have you heard my most recent project M.Y.M.? No? You’re missin’ outtttt it’s a banger 😉What am I working towards?
Wow. Such a general statement. I am working towards so much. BUT. for this month’s update in particular I am working on :
-finding a way for me to get a Masters degree. Whether it’s reapplying to the Psychology in Education program or applying to the Neuroscience in education program OR applying to another Neuroscience program I found in Queens. I have some options, which is always a huge bonus.– being healthier and feeling better about myself and my body. I’ve been working out 5 days a week and watching what I eat for the past month now and so far I love the results I’m getting. I have no idea how I ever stopped working out sheesh.
That’s it for now! I’m so excited to embark on this journey and am curious to see where I land. I have some ideas, but who knows, it’s all Up in the Air.

07/20/2017Proud of you! Love your #1 fan!