What’s Goin’ On
Hello everyone!
Guess what?? I DID IT!!! I graduated from College!!! I still can’t completely believe that I’m done and that I’m in this next new phase of my life but I am so so excited for what the future has in store for me. I’m also excited to have all of this additional time to devote to my blog! It should come in handy since there are a number of crazy new things coming up in my life that will definitely need writing about.
I decided that I’m going to begin posting regularly on Sundays. I love Sundays because they’re such a chill relax day. So I want you guys, on your chill and relax day, to spend some time with me and it’ll be like we’re kind of hanging out together sort of. Maybe.
I’m so looking forward to jumping into this and really growing and sharing with y’all. I know, I know I keep saying it but this time I really really do mean it for real for real. Talk to you tomorrow! Also, I hope this was what was going through your head when you read the title, because it was definitely the inspiration for this post.